An individual may hold more than one office except that the President may not also be the Treasurer.

Elected Officers

The elected officers of the CACC shall be President, Vice President (s), Secretary, and Treasurer.

  • President

    As chief executive of the CACC, the President shall exercise general supervision and direction of the affairs of the CACC, subject to the control of the CACC Board of Directors. She/he shall preside at all meetings and be responsible for requiring the CACC and its officers to meet regularly and function properly. She/he shall have power to sign checks in the name of the CACC (done normally in the absence of the Treasurer). She/he shall appoint all committee chair people and assist in appointing committee members as well as appoint other non-voting officers such as the Newsletter Editor, Webmaster, Past President, Ambassadors, and special Interest Group Leaders, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. She/he shall originate and implement the Procedures of the CACC.
  • Vice President

    As Chief Membership Officer of the CACC, the VP perform duties assigned by the President or Board of Directors and includes assisting with obtaining programing for the club's meetings. In addition, the Vice-President performs duties as assigned by the President or the Board of Directors. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President.
  • Secretary

    The Secretary shall conduct the general correspondence of the CACC, keep minutes of all meetings, and perform other duties as designated by the President or officers. The Secretary shall cause to be maintained a complete roster of members. The Secretary shall cause to be maintained a US Postal service address, shipping address and email address for the CACC. The Secretary shall cause to be maintained all corporate documents in current and good order including current copies with filing agencies. The Secretary shall interpret corporate documents and be Parliamentarian. The Board of Directors can, by motion or policy, interpret corporate documents supplanting the Secretary's interpretation.
  • Treasurer

    The Treasurer shall have charge of all money, bank accounts, investment accounts, securities and valuable property of the CACC and shall perform all the usual duties relating to the Office of Treasurer, plus perform other duties as designated by the President or Board of Directors. She/he shall maintain, in the name of the CACC, a bank account in a bank designated by the Board of Directors. All funds collected shall be deposited in such account and all disbursements made therefrom. She/he shall make disbursements as authorized by the budget. Payments will be supported by vouchers or invoices. The Treasurer shall maintain a complete record of all receipts and disbursements and shall submit a quarterly and annual report of all receipts and disbursements to the Board of Directors. Also, interim reports shall be submitted at regular Executive meetings as required. All monies, records, files, and other property in his/her possession shall be turned over to the succeeding Treasurer when such successor is chosen and qualified. The Treasurer shall also prepare the IRS Forms which are filed annually with the Internal Revenue Service and other forms necessary for tax and other legal requirements.

Appointed Officers

The President makes appointments subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. The Appointed officers of the CACC are the Editor, the Webmaster, and Past President. The duties of these are described as follows:

  • Editor

    Appointed by the Board of Directors for an indefinite term, the Newsletter Editor shall publish a newsletter containing information about upcoming CACC meetings, activities of the CACC, and other items of interest.
  • Webmaster

    Appointed by the Board of Directors for an indefinite term, the Webmaster shall promote and maintain the Web site and shall coordinate the activities of the CACC members interested in using this service.
  • Past President

    The immediate Past President is a voting officer. While given no specific assigned duties, the Past President will offer general assistance and guidance to the CACC on all matters of business.
  • Others

    These include, but are not limited to, Special Interest Groups (SIG) Leaders and Ambassadors.